Murwillumbah High School

Inspiring Every Student Every Day

Telephone02 6672 1566

What we offer

Each school in NSW offers something slightly different depending on the community. Here's what we offer for you.


All canteens in NSW public schools must meet certain requirements. These include providing more healthy food and drink options – to make the healthy choice an easy choice for students. Visit Healthy school canteens to learn more.


When students wear a school uniform, they feel included in our school community.

Students, teachers, parents and carers, as well as members of our local community helped develop our school uniform to make sure it:

  • meets the requirements of occupational health and safety, anti-discrimination and equal opportunity legislation

  • includes items that are affordable, comfortable and made from easy-care and easy-wear fabrics

  • is appropriate for the full range of school activities

  • is suitable for all body shapes.

Learn more about the NSW Department of Education’s School Uniform Policy.

Hiring our facilities

Due to a number of issues around the use of our school oval we have had to modify our processes and hire policy for our school oval use.

Whilst we are supportive and value our relationships with our local schools there are a number of safety and financial issues that impact staff and students of MHS.

In order to address these issue we have had to make the following changes:

  1. There is now a $200 hire fee for any use of the oval and school equipment – this ensures MHS is not out of pocket for cost associated with marking and mowing of the oval, rubbish collection,  deterioration of equipment and power usage.
  2. There will be no use of toilet facilities located inside the school grounds. Toilets facilities can be accessed at John Rab Jones Oval adjacent to the school oval and requires prior organisation  with the Murwillumbah AFL or cricket clubs. The use of school toilets facilities raises issues around the safety of both students of MHS and visitors sharing facilities as well as the need for those students to navigate unsupervised road ways with in the school.
  3. Our Elliott Centre is unavaliable for any hiring or external use.

Please understand that these changes are not intended to exclude use of our oval. If you have any concerns around the changes we have implemented, please contact the school on 6672 1566.