Murwillumbah High School

Inspiring Every Student Every Day

Telephone02 6672 1566

Driving and parking safely at school

Driving and parking safely

To safely park in the school zone:

  • drop your child off and pick them up on the school side of the road
  • never call out to them from across the road - it is very dangerous
  • always take extra care in 40km school zones
  • follow all parking signs - these help keep your child as safe as possible
  • park responsibly even if it means you have to walk further to the school gate
  • never double park - it is illegal and puts children at risk
  • never do a U-turn or a three point turn outside the school as it puts children at risk of harm
  • model safe and considerate pedestrian and driver behaviours to your child
  • always give way to pedestrians, particularly when entering and leaving driveways.

Downloadable resources:

Drive and park safely near schools (PDF 962.37KB) Translations available in 36 languages (DoE)

Driving and parking safely near schoolsExternal link (PDF 913.42 KB) TfNSW

40km/h school zonesExternal link (PDF 1.11 MB) TfNSW